Capturing the East Coast Essence with Hair Cuttery

Last week, our crew took a trip to the East Coast to capture some content for the great people at Hair Cuttery Family of Brands. They flew in on a Sunday afternoon and were shooting all the way till Thursday night. To start off the week, the first few video segments and days were teleprompter scripts - these will be used for their annual training videos across each location. Using the “prompter” allows for the speaker to get each point they want to make across cohesively and effectively! By mid week the crew was tapping into their creative skillset to capture a series of different pieces of content for the brands social media pages and website. Three stations were set in the studio, two of them being for photos and the third video. As each model came to the video section they were instructed to do some hair flips, twirls, spin around and candid style poses. Everyone on the east coast crew was very happy with how the shots were turning out, which is always the key to making it a great and fun shoot! We enjoy doing these kinds of shoots as well as working with Hair Cuttery Family of Brands, it really allows us to have some fun while always delivering on a great final product! 


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